Every One. All Ways.
Public Health & Emergency Preparedness
The West Marin Community Resiliency Team (CRT).
A collaboration led by WMCS and San Geronimo Valley Community Center (SGVCC)
Please subscribe to our Community Resiliency Team newsletter for regular up-to-date info on Public Health and Disaster Resources for West Marin.
Distribution Hours
Thursdays 1 – 3 pm
At the WMCS Resource Center & Food Pantry
The West Marin Community Resiliency Team (CRT) is a partnership between WMCS and San Geronimo Valley Community Center (SGVCC). The CRT was initially developed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and has since evolved to support broader public health priorities in West Marin.
The Community Resiliency Teams (CRT) is a Marin County Public Health initiative to improve community awareness and knowledge of public health threats, prevention, and mitigation strategies, and to increase access to support and resources in Marin County.
Public Health
Now with the declining urgency of COVID-19, the West Marin CRT is able to focus on pandemic recovery efforts and a broader spectrum of community public health issues. The public health aspects focus on opioid overdose prevention, blood drives, health fairs, lifesaving skills classes, and connecting folks with Marin County health resources in partnership with many local agencies and healthcare providers.
Disaster Resources
The West Marin CRT, in partnership with local disaster councils, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), KWMR radio, The Marin VOAD, Firesafe Marin, Marin Wildfire Prevention Agency, and many other local agencies, has focused on helping prepare our communities for the impacts of extreme weather, wildfires, earthquakes, flooding, drought, and other disasters. Recent efforts have focused on disaster alert signup campaigns, preparing go-bags, disaster communications, and focus groups concerning wildfires. WMCS Food Pantry, being the only food pantry open 5 days a week in Marin County, plays a central role in distributing food and supplies for displaced families and individuals during community disasters.
August 2024 update: Status of At-Home COVID Test Supply for CRT Distribution
The West Marin CRT has been distributing COVID tests for the last few years. Marin County and the State do not have any more at-home COVID antigen tests to distribute and the West Marin CRT is out of COVID tests.
The West Marin CRT wants to sincerely thank Marin County for supplying tens of thousands of at-home COVID tests that the West Marin CRT distributed over the last few years into our communities. The support and access to these invaluable resources into West Marin is critical and so appreciated.
Where to get tests, going forward
With more COVID circulating, our communities still are in need of at-home COVID tests and it is still recommended to test for COVID when you have cold-like symptoms. If you test positive, stay home for at least 24 hours and take added precautions, such wearing a mask until you test negative.
Most California insurance plans will pay or reimburse for 8 at-home test kits per month that you can pick up from your local pharmacy. FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET COVID TESTS, CLICK HERE: https://coronavirus.marinhhs.org/testing. Details are different for each plan; contact your provider for more information or see info in link above for Medi-Cal or uninsured.
Find out more at COVID-19 Coverage Changes. Check the test kit to see if the expiration dates have been extended on the FDA’s At-Home COVID-19 Test page. To find a testing site near you, click here.
Vaccination remains the best protection against COVID illness and Long COVID. People aged 65 and older are at greatest risk for poor outcomes from COVID infection. Find out where to get vaccinated: https://coronavirus.marinhhs.org/vaccinefinder
Free Naloxone (Narcan) Distribution
To obtain Narcan kits, please contact us or visit our Food Pantry on Thursdays 1 – 3pm.
Naloxone (Narcan) is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. Naloxone can quickly restore normal breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose. WMCS now offers free Narcan Kits to residents, businesses, and non-profits. This is an effective, easy-to-use life-saving medication to have on hand and WMCS is proud to offer this as a community resource for the public.
24-Hour Access Emergency Overdose Kits in West Marin
Inverness Post Office
12781 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Inverness, CA 94937
Inverness Firehouse
50 Inverness Way, Inverness, CA 94937
West Marin Pharmacy
11 4th St, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Bolinas Community Center
14 Wharf Rd, Bolinas, CA 94924
San Geronimo Valley Community Center
6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo, CA 94963
Olema Campground
10155 CA-1, Olema, CA 94950
What’s in the Emergency Overdose Boxes?
Narcan (Naloxone)
Naloxone (brand name NARCAN®) is a life-saving FDA-approved medication that is used to reverse the effects of overdoses from opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, and morphine.
Narcan is administered as a nasal spray version and comes 2 in a kit.